Scarlet Night
4 min readJun 13, 2019

Ashley StClair, a woman that was recently a special guest at TPUSA’s “Young Women Leadership Summit,” has in the last couple of months become mildly prominent online as a right-wing personality. Since December 29th 2018 her follower count has increased by roughly 67,000 followers.

Recently, however, her twitter history — combination of sexist, homophobic, and racist tweets — has resurfaced, and some of the things she’s written have created friction among her and some of her followers, and other right-wingers. Beyond it there are unsubstantiated rumors involving one of Twitter usernames she had used, which has been permanently suspended.

Before talking about her Twitter history, it’s important to note how her previous accounts were connected to her. One of her previous accounts where she went under the handle Optatives is still active together with over 11,000 tweets that she had made. In her Tweets she mentions her name multiple times, and her birthday (@stclairashley lists it as July 31st, while Optatives tweeted two hours before July 31st “It’s my birthday (slur)”.) Similarly, several people have tagged her other username, sexlaptop which has been permanently suspended, wishing her a happy birthday on July 31st.

> WOW HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY TWITTER BAE @sexlaptop I luv u n ur the shit ok

Another one linked her picture while wishing her a happy birthday:

> Happy Birthday @sexlaptop

Her second username “sexlaptop” has been mentioned several times under “Optatives” handle, in relation with her Instagram account that no longer exists:

> I made a new Instagram, follow me bc I have no followers: sexlaptop YA YA I KNOW MY USER NAME IS WEIRD BUT MY USUAL USER WAS TAKEN

Another handle that she’s used (mentioned at @optatives) is “ashleynstclair,” both as a Twitter and snaphchat handle. On Instagram, stclairashley’s username is “ashleynstclair.”

Lastly, under Optatives handle, she’s noted she’s Jewish and Italian:

> I'm Italian and Jewish I'm not even Irish HAHAHHAA

While on stclairashley she recently tweeted, saying she’s Jewish:

One of twitter users quoted her saying her name from “sexlaptop”:

> “@sexlaptop: my name is actually Ashley Nicole and I was named after a stripper”

While someone else also said her name, while quoting another one of her tweets:

> “@sexlaptop: lemme do a line on ur butt” ASHLEY NICOLE!

Along with someone tweeting a picture of two of her tweet while tagging @sexlaptop, two tweets which included partial pictures of her face:

There are more personal details that I will leave out, as I don’t want to reveal any personal information and since I believe this is sufficient to demonstrate it’s the same person that had been using these accounts.

To start with, some of the homophobic slurs she’s used:

> I don’t wAnt ur favorites u fa**ot

Someone asking her if she plays minecraft, and her responding:

> no I got banned from a server when I played for callin ppl chumps n fa**ots:(

> so I’m actually pretty secure to call out a fa**ot with 21k insta followers

Commenting on an allegedly 15 year old kid, she said:

> he’s still a big giant fa**ot

Seemingly basing it on his looks. Another time, she directed the slur at him:


Casually using the word “ni**a:”

Which, as Huffington Post noted:

> I petition the N word be banned from the mouths of people of African descent, and especially be banned from the vocabulary’s of non-Black people. We have to stop justifying the n-word and its meanings … [It] has the same meaning and its intent is not positive and every time the word is used, it is not used in a positive manner.”

Optative’s Twitter history is full of misogynist slurs, including “whore,” “slut,” and others.

> you’re just a stupid internet wh*re


> usually ppl w bible verses in their bio r wh*res

> BITCH THE POINT IS U STARTED SHIT WITH ME just shut ya wh*re mouth srsly, it’s not ur fckng business

While tagging another person:



> & I’m saying stop being a bitch

And some other tweets that could be perceived as offensive:

> I will teach u the lingo I am as black as they come

> asked your dad if he wanted anything from Alabama and he said he wanted a slave

A person quoting a tweet from @sexlaptop account:

> “@sexlaptop: just fucked my sister”

> it’s not rape if u like it

Her Twitter history brings up a question as to why Twitter did nothing in regards to her account, and why was she despite @sexlaptop being permanently suspended allowed to avoid a permanent suspension by creating another account?

Meanwhile, Ashley has continued to attract criticism after she recently stated how the right is losing election because of identity politics. She mentioned Colorado, saying that the biggest issue among Republican voters is immigration, before saying, “You know how many illegal immigrants we have here? Like f*cking 12.”

According to pew research, there’s about 200,000 illegal immigrants in Colorado.

She continued by saying that education is the top issue among Democrats, and “things that actually matter,” while republicans are “screwing themselves over” with identity politics and “build the wall.”

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