According to your own rules and what you consider, to quote:
“Is the creator using racial slurs or negative depictions of a protected class?””
Any people who brand whites or men as oppressors and privileged, who use the word “mansplaining,” “manspreading,” and other forms of anti-male and anti-white concepts and language which are meant to manipulate, indoctrinate and villainize certain groups of people on the basis of their race and gender, should be banned from your platforms. That would most likely include most feminists.
Please, ban those that violate your own rules.
If you need any help, I wouldn’t mind gathering instances where they use it of every single one — from Twitter, to elsewhere — and sending it to you.
Off the top of my mind, “Anime Feminist” website uses multiple instance of most of it, including one where they talk about “white privilege” on their podcast https://www.animefeminist.com/anifemtalk-rewriting-problematic-stories/
The idea that whites have “privilege” (and thus, are oppressing other groups from which they benefit) is blatantly false, insulting, and clearly hate speech.
The justice, thus, should be swift.
I look forward to you being the impartial and fair platform that you want to present yourself as.
Thank you.