You spoke for EveningStandard a long while back. Some of what’s been revealed in videos, you’ve said yourself. Specifically: “Understanding how Google’s algorithms work in-house helps the team at Google to make changes for the better. There was the case of the Google Search CEO problem — when you typed CEO into the search bar, you would see images of white men in suits and Barbie, though not in the same image.”
“When Gennai’s team looked into the data, it wasn’t a human bias that caused it but a technological one.”
In other words, truth. Considering truth to be bias — along with plenty of your own posts, and comments — is a result of political beliefs. Consider Twitter’s “misgendering” policy — as someone who’s pro-trans, it’s not particularly an issue for me, nor is the act something I’m fond of. However, that in itself reveals political bias. As does “hate speech,” and so forth.
“ Why did they do this to me? It seems they found that I had spoken publicly at Google I/O on Ethics, and they wanted someone who would give them juicy soundbites about tech’s alleged bias against conservatives.”
Perhaps they just read the article, which said: “For Jen Gennai, Google’s head of ethical machine learning, trust and safety, preventing bias is literally in the job description. In this role, Gennai leads a cross-company team that analyses and interrogates new products and services to ensure that all new Google products are adhering to this ethical standard.”
Your take on those white men voting against taking lives (“abortion”) is certainly fun, albeit borderline racist and sexist— the presumption that non-whites, or women, wouldn’t oppose taking lives, but only white men do.
“But maybe a few people will read it and realize that I’m not the cartoon cut-out villain that Project Veritas would have you believe.”
“And maybe some people will take a pause and reflect on how toxic and menacing our online discourse has become, about how quick we are to believe the worst of each other, and think about the human cost of demonizing and doxxing people, the way that Project Veritas has done to me.”
Playing the victim, or better said, re-framing it so as if you’re a victim is certainly yet another sign of political beliefs, since particular ideologies are more fond of it than others. For instance, you also mentioned a threat — I’m sorry to hear that — but that’s something constant for men, who receive more of online harassment (and threats) than women.
How many articles do you estimate are there about women receiving harassment or men?
No one thinks you’re a villain. You’re just extremely biased, far-left individual, with own political goals and desires, and no morality or ethics to prevent you from pushing your politics. It’s not even my take — well, partially — look up up Jonathan Haidt & moral foundations. The only thing leftists in general care is “oppression” of designed victim groups. The only thing people like you tend to operate on are “no bad tactics, just bad targets.” As Pinterest, Revelry, milkshaking, and plethora of other examples demonstrate. Including 90% of negative press when it comes to Trump.